This Film Is Confidential: More World War II "Secrets" Revealed

This Film Is Confidential: More World War II "Secrets" Revealed

Movie Information

During World War II, the United States government produced literally thousands of films. Though many were intended for the average GI, others were considered too sensitive for general viewing. Classified or confidential films covered an enormous range of subjects, and while most concerned the prosecution of the war, other matters, by today's standards trivial and by no means a threat to national security, were also regarded as "confidential." It wasn't until years after the war concluded that many of these films were declassified. This 2-DVD collection of previously classified U.S. government films presents more than four hours of incredible aerial combat footage, including B-26 Marauders flying missions against German industrial targets, Allied attacks over Italy, B-17 formations striking deep into the heart of Germany, footage from gunsight cameras on D-Day, South Pacific action, flying the "Hump" over the Himalayan Mountains, and more.
Director: Unknown
Years: Tahun rilis tidak tersedia