Movies directed by jesse-collier-sutterley

Black Women and World War II: The 6888th Central Postal Directory Battalion

Triumph Over Prejudice: The Montford Point Marines

Navigator: Lt. Col. Ken Murray


Frank Maselskis: From WWII POW to Chosin Reservoir Survivor

The Forgotten War

Decoding Jean: Secrets of WWII

Major Raoul Lufbery: Fighter Ace

Alene Duerk: First Woman to Make Admiral

Baptiste Garnier and the Indian Wars

Ultimate Sacrifices: CPT. Jennifer Moreno

Rudy Hernandez: Congressional Medal of Honor

Bataan Death March

Near Earth Asteroids: Dr. Anne Virkki

The Singer: A Montford Point Marine

Noble Sissle Jr.: Am I Still Going to Vietnam?

Velda: A Mom's Story of Suicide

Do Ask, Do Tell: The Linda Campbell Story